Worm Study
Friends -
This is a water color painting that I completed
this morning. It is my
second water color in about 45 years, and I think
I works. More often I do
oil paintings, gourds or pastels. Yet there is
something about the clarity
of color and simplicity of form that comes from
a water color painting is so
perfect for a subject like children. They are,
after all, clear and simple
about the world and they necessarily translate
events into those terms by
the innocence of their sweet minds.
And - no bias intended - the perfection of my
4-1/2 year old grandson,
Benjamin, teaching his 1-1/2 year old little
brother, Leonardo, about
worms...... well, that is about as clear and
simple and beautiful as you can
Enjoy this painting. It is not for sale, although
for a donation to
Esperanza Scholarship Fund at Lane Community
College (in Eugene, where my
grandsons live), I will trade you a print.
Be well.
margie lopez read