Soft Cover Up
Friends -
I am a bit embarrassed to transmit the background
about this piece that was actually being completed
two weeks ago. But in the interest of being honest
about myself, I decided to go ahead.
It is no secret that I have not been myself for
almost two months. It started with the shootings
in Arizona, and became more grim with local gun
violence against people that I know. It worsened
even more when I heard derisive, thoughtless words
about things that are important to me being spread
by people that I thought were above all that...
Although I attempted to get away from that sense
of despair when I started a piece about flop-eared
bunnies, it seems I was not quite ready. The bunnies
are there, yes, but I could not get my heart around
making them soft, gentle and innocent. They turned
out to be just something of a fluffy cover-up instead.
I will say that I think my mood is finally on the
rebound, though. I spent some time with two grandsons
this last week -- Benjamin and Reed. When I wrap
my mind around what is important and good for them,
I can get away from the grim, desperate and helpless
thoughts that filled my head when I made this gourd.
Stay tuned. Next one should be much better. And
should this one sell, the money will go to a very
good cause, like Doctors Without Borders.
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