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Sandstone Sundown

Sandstone Sundown

Friends -
This new oil painting is one that I completed in order to share with you a beautiful location in the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park, Utah. To assist me, I was given permission to use a photograph taken by Jim Traeber from Colorado.

This particular area of Canyonlands is located in a geological layer known as Cedar Mesa Sandstone, as are the Maze District and Natural Bridges National Park. I think it is one of the more awesome areas because it has white layers interspersed by red layers and splits in the rock formations that, through erosion, form fantastical spires and slots.  This is the result of coastal sand dunes (yes, Utah used to be on the coast), and flood deposits from Uncompahgre (San Juan) Mountains that were red-rich with iron.

All this occurred some 250 million years ago and these areas remain magical, inspirational and soul-fulfilling. Come and visit and we will take you on hikes through these places that put your heart at peace.

The original is already taken, but I will sell prints of these for your donation to a worthwhile non-profit.  If you do not know of one, I have some favorites that I can recommend.

Be well.

margie lopez read
