Husky Anticipation

Friends -
It may be due to the off and on snow that we have
had here, and also the fact that the 1,000+ mile
Iditarod is taking place these days that I have
Husky's, snow and sledding on my mind. Or it could
be that U-Tube video clip that I recently watched,
which someone posted after riding his dog sled
team to work (fun!). Or it could be that I also
recently re-connected with a former Placervillian
-- Jeanne Ashcraft -- who I met when I wrote a
feature news story the year she first attempted
the Iditarod (and finished!) - some 10-15 years
ago. She had relocated to Alaska, and just maybe
I can go there so she will take me show me what
sledding is all about!!!
I know a little bit about sledding, but not much,
because my former college roommate raised Huskies
in Flagstaff. One year she invited us once to a sled
pulling competition in Williams, Arizona. It was
amazing to watch the dogs and see how the mere sight
of the harness excited them, and they could not wait
to get going. Her 'pup' did quite well, even though
it was his first competition, and it was sweet to
see his joy at her praise.
Whatever it was that made this gourd come about,
it is an honor to these wonderful dogs that LIVE
to RUN and are so beautiful in their enjoyment of
it all.
This gourd is available for a donation to a worthwhile
organization of your choice.
Keep warm.
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