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Friends -
I have had this hardshell warty gourd in my garage
for several years -- since my friends Gary & David
gave me a bag of miscellaneous abandoned gourds
some time ago. This one may be pretty old, in fact,
but it is sturdy and hardy and, if it does not
get wet, will likely last a few more hundred years.
But it sat in my garage not only because the bumpy
ridges were hard to clean, but also because it
was not easy to decide how to use it. Then last
weekend I was in that rock-n-roll zone that I sometimes
get in when I have been in Lopez Island for a while
with the music blasting.... All of a sudden, my
lumpy gourd had purpose! It's ridges and the bumps
may be funny, but they clearly have an off-beat
rhythm of their own that needs to be understood.
I certainly am not alone in making the connection
between shape and music, you know. A a couple of
thousand years ago Pythagoras figured out that
there was a direct connection between even-numbered
lengths of things and pleasant tone. Advances showed
that geometry and topography are also closely connected
and different musical genres can be described in
shapes. I have even read that the blind and deaf
can learn to understand music by feeling the rhythmic
shapes of things. Amazing!
It all makes me wonder what type of harmony lies
underneath his new little Groovy gourd. Whatever
it is, I had a groovy time making it.
Enjoy spring,
margie lopez read