Dear Friends –
This is my second painting, started on our second night of the Colorado River Trip. By this time the dehydration headache was gone and I was starting to shake off the trappings of civilization. More than 24 hours floating through the Grand Canyon without cell phones or newspapers can really help shed the worries.
Perhaps 'floating' is not completely accurate because during this day we also ventured through what is known as "The Roaring Twenties". That is, starting shortly after mile 20 and ending at mile 29, there are a series of rapids – about 11 of them, I believe. It was a grand introduction into the intimacy of the wild Colorado and was effectively reminding me of what is real, and I loved it.
We set up camp at mile 47.5, Saddle Canyon. While Bob was finishing our tent set-up, I set up my painting gear on the shore, this time.
How can one best express the colors of the Grand Canyon, and the reflections in the muddy waters? This is one attempt. One can't see down into the river because it is muddy. But that opacity does not stop the water's ability to reflect everything around and above it. Outstanding!
There is a chance that one of our river guides wanted this one, and in that case it is his. (?). But if not, "Saddle Canyon" is available for a donation to a good nonprofit. We can talk.