Cat's Eyes
Bob pointed out to me yesterday that for the
first time I had not made a 'cat' gourd to bring
with me to the Rotary Show next month. So, I
thought I had better fix that - sort of.
As a kid I had a bunch of cat's eye marbles,
which I wish I still had now. I understand they
are collector's items. I was not a very good
marble player, but the Cat Eye concept really
caught my imagination. I know that I spent more
time making cats out of Play Dough with marble
eyes than I did in competitive marbling! They
were truly marvelous -- every bit as bewitching
as a cat that sits transfixed as birds flutter
My Cat's Eye Gourd is a nice round, solid gourd.
It is decorated with leather dye, acrylic paint,
and a bit of clear embossing powder on the eyes
to make them just a bit more 'bewitching'. The
inside is playground yellow.
Margie Lopez Read