Friends –
Remarkable things have been happening in El Dorado County. These are the kind of things that make me believe that perhaps the world is going to come out of these dark times in ways that are so much better than ever before. One day I am going to write up the whole story, but for now, know that there are many Good people in this county willing to work had to make this a better place to be.
Regardless, these two 9x12” oil paintings, which are not for sale, need some explanation. They were requested by members of the Rural Resistance Mutual Aid Community Table so that they could be given to a remarkable donor. Yep. The whole group exhibits an astonishingly unexpected manifestation of goodness that in one mode or another has helped food-insecure families for more than two years. But there is one that deserves a special mention and thank you, and the group members asked me to do a painting to help with their Thank You’s.
That one person is Ben Hansen -- owner/operator of 24 Carrot Farm. He planned together with Rural Resistance to designate a plot of land on his farm, to include seedlings and water, so that the families in need can grow their own crops. Say, what? Who does this sort of giving? Well, there are some darn good folks in this county and although all the members of the Community Table Project are exemplary, Ben Hansen’s contribution stands out.
If you are local and have never been to his bountiful organic farm (Thursday – Saturday), make sure you get there before the growing season is over. And after you select some terrific, healthy product, thank Ben and his staff for his generosity and contribution to the health and well-being of this community. Good, 24 times over.
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Facebook: Donation Art